October 18, 2016
Contact: Anthony Fontana (714) 730-6239
Irvine, CA—October 18, 2016— Dr. Anthony Fontana Jr. – Technical Director at Truesdail Laboratories, Inc. will be present at ICRAV (International Conference of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians) in Montevideo, Uruguay to present the findings of recent research into glaucine and other plant alkaloids. The work describes a technique to distinguish between deliberate administration of the drug versus probable environmental contamination. Truesdail was one of the first U.S. labs to identify the use of glaucine in racehorses, and the Racing Medication and Testing Consortium also included Dr. Fontana in the task force formed to review information relating to the issue of recent positives for the substance. Truesdail has long been at the forefront of drug testing in the racing industry, with examples as recent as 2013 when Truesdail was the first U.S. lab to earn ISO 17025 accreditation for cobalt testing in racehorses.
Founded in 1931, Truesdail Laboratories engages in testing for multiple fields, including; certification of consumer products, drug testing, nutraceutical testing, and environmental testing. The company recently moved into a state-of-art testing laboratory and administrative facilities in Irvine, CA. The new 17,000 square foot facility was designed with current best lab practices to ensure quality data at the turn-around times that clients demand.
Truesdail Laboratories is committed to its motto of “Excellence in Independent Testing” providing the highest quality data within industry leading turnaround time. Continued successful completion of both 3rd party and internal data quality verification is critical in measuring lab performance. Truesdail’s accreditations include: ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17065, RMTC, ILAC G-7, and CA ELAP.